RO PLANTS 250, 500, 2000, 3000, 5000, 50000 AND ABOVE BY KELVIN .

Kelvin Water Technologies PVT LTD is moving together with the government under its CLEAN INDIA mission and heading ahead enthusiastically to make the clean water approachable for the future generations. Kelvin Water Technologies PVT LTD has been emerging as the leading manufacturerand supplier of Industrial and Commercial RO plants in India . We witness that large amount of water gets wasted during an industrial and commercial keeping, which needs to be filtered to make it reusable and recyclable. RO or Reverse Osmosis is the best hyper filtration technique which clarifies water by removing excess salt, dis solvable solvents, dyes, unwanted fluids and discharges, bacteria and other harmful constituents. RO plants manufactured by Kelvin Water Technologies Pvt Ltd make sure that the natural nutrients are adequate to maintain the health level of water. We manufacture customized Ro’s not only for industrial and manufacturing units, but also for municipalities. Nobody wants to tra...