Rainwater Harvesting system is a Reliable Solution

Many countries in all over the world are suffering from water scarcity and India is no exception. The world is expected to have more water shortages problem due to climatic changes. One of the solutions suggested to overcome water scarcity is Rainwater Harvesting. It is reported through surveys that one cubic meter of water can provide drinking water for 1 person for 1 year or the same quantity can produce only 1 kg of food grain when used for irrigation in a dry climate. The need for a rationalized holistic management of this most vital natural resource is paramount to attain a sustainable society, after all fresh potable water is essential for life and socioeconomic development. Hence, Rain water Harvesting system is a reliable solution to this. Rainwater Harvesting comprises the process of collecting the rainwater in tanks or diverting them to below the ground for future use. Such stored rainwater can be used for flushing and irrigation. Instead of having limited size...