Organic waste composting machine in india

Today we are facing many health issues due to organic waste which are in the form of-kitchen waste, Hotel waste, canteen waste, garden waste, paper waste, human waste, biodegradable plastics etc. when this organic waste buried in a landfill, it undergoes the process of anaerobic decomposition and produces methane gas which is not good for the Environment. When we talk greener tomorrow a question arises in mind, how quickly we reduce organic waste and how it is possible? Thanks to Kelvin ’s a leading Organic Waste Composter (OWC) machine manufacturing company has taken a step to encourages you towards living a green life. These compost machines have a lot of features with advanced technology which can decompose a large amount of organic waste in a day. This is fully automatic compost machine which runs automatically with few clicks and settings. Models Fully automatic machine : - This is P...