Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) Treatment Plant Process

What is ZLD?

It is water treatment system utilize highly advanced technical processes in which least & minimal waste of water at the final or end of the industrial process that term we called as zero liquid discharge treatment process.
The highly efficient with the fine class calculative optimize designed zero liquid discharge system will be controls and able to proceed in various wastage, pollutant, contamination ,germs , bacteria. ZLD is able to adjust the required chemical demand.

In which the zero liquid discharge plant recovers  the water around 94-96% for reuse.

What component are included in the zero liquid discharge process system ?
1.     Effluent treatment process
2.    Ultra-filtration
3.     Reverse osmosis
4.    Multi effect evaporator
5.     Agitated thin film dryer
In the zero liquid discharge treatment process these exact component are used for treatment.

Now the question is , these component why we use it, what these component are exactly works for recycling of water.

1. Effluent treatment process, in which industrial waste water is treating chemically and with oxidation process and recovers clean optimum clean water with dirt free minimal turbidity optimum require able BOD and COD.

2. Ultra-filtration is type of membrane filtration in which it removes the suspended solids and solute of high molecular weight through the semi- permeable membrane with the high pressure. It prevents fouling and scaling or corrosion in further treatment.

3. Reverse osmosis is a water purification system in which ions molecules turbidity, bacteria, germs, viruses are removed by applied osmotic pressure or hydro static force through the membrane.

4. Multi effect evaporator is used for separation of water by vaporization and paralleled collect by condensation process and nonvolatile sludge are separated from the flow.

5. ATFD agitated thin film dryer is a system works or the processed for moisture contain sludge ATFD dehydrate the sludge .



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