A Complete Waste Water Solution Through STP/ETP

With increasing environmental concerns and legislation, installation of sewage treatment  plant (STP) and effluent treatment plant  (ETP) has become a mandatory compliance for industrial sectors to continually improve the discharge standards and to lower the environmental hazards; Kelvin Water Technologies Pvt Ltd offers sustainable solutions for treatment of all types of waste water with its advanced STPs and ETPs.
Kelvin company provides complete waste water solutions for sewage treatment, effluent treatment and common effluent treatment. The ETP and STP plant work at different levels and involves various processes such as physical, chemical, biological and membrane processes based on advanced technologies. With more than hundred successfully operating installations of STP and ETP, our designs provide highly economic STP/ETP installation & operation, minimal waste generation, lowest footprint area and waste water treatment to the specified standards by legislation. Our STP and ETP are best suited for a varied sector including chemical, pharmaceutical, refineries, dairy, hotel, restaurant & textile etc.

Supreme Court judgement regarding ETP/STP/CETP in Paryavaran Suraksha Samiti and others vs Union of India and others (Judgement date 22.02.2017) issued the following directives to industrial units:

1.    Advertisements published in ‘Consent to Operate’ to have a primary ETP fully operational within 3 months from the date of judgment, i.e. by 22.05.2017. The ETP should be functional to the required capacity.

2.    After 22.5.2017, Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) to carry out inspection of industries to verify whether each such unit requiring ‘Consent to Operate’ has a functional primary ETP of the required capacity.

3.    Industries not having a fully operational primary ETP of the required capacity by 22.05.2017 shall be shut down. Their electricity supply shall be disconnected.

4.    Defaulter unit will have to seek fresh Consent to Operate from GPCB after installing a fully functional ETP of required capacity.


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