Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) Manufacturer for Food Industry

The Kelvin water technologies of various industrial sectors and expansive urbanization greatly results in increased water consumption and also results in a generation of wastewater which considerably diverse in nature, toxicity and treatability. There are have required wastewater treatment in so many industrial activities like as the food industry have required a large volume of water to process food and is the biggest generator of wastewater/effluent.

Wastewater from food process facilities is commonly high in strength, thus it needs pre-treatment before its discharge into the surroundings or for use. To place it merely, it's necessary for all the food process industries to line up ETP  Plant or Effluent Treatment Plant for effective waste water management.

Given in below wastewater treatment scheme used in Effluent treatment plant(ETP) for food industry to reduce the potential impact on the environment.
1. Physical Treatment Methods
2. Chemical Treatment Methods and
3. Biological Treatment Methods

 1.    Pretreatment or preliminary treatment level:

It is first waste water treatment level.  It reduces coarse solids and other large materials
Pretreatment operations usually embrace coarse screening, grit removal and, in some cases, breaking of enormous objects into the smaller objects.  Part treated waste material is currently subjected to next treatment level referred to as primary treatment level.

2.       Primary treatment level:

Its objective is the removal of enormous solids from the effluent via physical subsiding or filtration. It involves the separation of floating material and serious solids from liquid waste. The first treatment will effectively take away of the suspended solids. Oil and grease, organic chemical element, organic phosphorus, and serious metals related to solids are removed throughout the primary deposit.

3.  Secondary treatment level:

There are so many purposes of this treatment level is to get rid of suspended solids and residual organic matter which may be done victimization aerobic and anaerobic processes. The activated sludge method is that the most typical choice in secondary treatment. It involves aeration tank wherever gas is equipped to the microorganisms which end in the removal of perishable dissolved and mixture organic matter.


  1. Great article! Effluent Treatment Plants (ETPs) are crucial for maintaining environmental standards in the food industry. It's impressive to see manufacturers developing advanced ETP solutions tailored to handle the specific waste generated by food processing units. Proper treatment of effluents not only ensures compliance with regulations but also promotes sustainable practices within the industry. Looking forward to seeing more innovations in this space!

    For top-tier ETP solutions, visit Water Design Technologies and explore how they can help you achieve optimal waste management


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