Complete Description ofthe Process of Organic Waste Converter Machine

The organic waste collected from all the houses, multiple establishments, various number of canteens or restaurants in a general manner contains a lot of food waste from the operation of pre-cooking and the remnant of the post-cooking or food in excess quantity. The organic waste is thoroughly inspected for harmful impurities like a lot of metal, stone, a lot of plastic, glass particles, etc. and separated, then entirely fed into the container of Organic Waste Converter machine. If the respective material has more content of the moisture which can be actually seen by visual observation, then the absorbing media of the sawdust is added into the container up to a percentage of 30% of the mass of the waste completely depending on the moisture content in the material of waste. The powder of odour control along with the enzymes that are composting is added at the rate of the dosage of 10 gm per kg of waste material.

It is a properly mixed, agitated and aerated and properly crushed for about 10 minutes. The container of the Organic Waste Converter is entirely opened and observations are being noted. Then the cap of the OWC machine container is being closed and again the Organic Waste Converter is operated for 5 more minutes. After the timely completion of 15 minutes, the machine will stop in an automatic way. The cap is then completely opened and the material that is processed is being observed. If it is entirely turned to flowing material that is granular free, then the cap is again closed and the machine is restarted. The valve at the bottom is then opened for draining of the waste material. The material that is processed is then properly collected in the respective trolley which is placed below the OrganicWaste Composter machine.
For curing and completely maturing the compost material, all of the material that is taken from the trolley is then transferred in multiple crates which basically have an aperture for aeration.
If you basically have waste material from garden containing a lot of pruning’s and various small branches of different trees that are up to 2 cm diameter or some bones, will then be needed to pass via Shredder before it is properly placed into the Organic Waste Converter.


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