Effluent Treatment Plant for Different Industries

ETP is required to purify impure water that results from industrial uses such as manufacturing of textiles, chemicals, and dyes, this wastewater pollutes the environment, to counter this, and necessary mechanisms such as effluent treatment plant is required.
ETP plants
Kelvin is an ETP manufacture that designs and supplies ETPplant for several types of impure waters.
Our principles
Based on the nature and configuration of the waste, our effluent treatment plant incorporates different techniques.
Working cycle
·         Industrial waste                                   
·         Main straining                         
·         Cooling via fan
·         Counteracting reservoir
·         Thickening agent
·         Waste separation
·         Density filtration
·         Optional Carbon filtering
·         Expulsion
Working cycle in detail:
The incoming industrial wastewater from factories and manufacturing industries is prepared for the next step which is the main straining, this is the1st stage in cleansing, waters from dying, printing and textile making process is filtered to clear solid materials. The next step involves cooling in which a motor blends the wastes via a fan and the temperature is cooled off, the next step involves counteracting reservoir that is a facilitated with PH value indicator, in which the cooled waste is shifted, further, the acids are blended to give a neutralizing effect.
The thickening agent is added to treat the wastewater, it acts as a coagulant, waste separation is the next step, the waste collected sinks at the bottom of the reservoir, dense filtration further purifies the waste by creating a sustained pressure, the carbon filtration process is an additional optional but not essential, finally when the water is clean according to safety standards it is safe to be discharged.
The methodologies used for the process
Certain techniques are used which involve the physical and chemical management, and filtration processes which make use of sand, charcoal, chemical oxidation, concentrated filtration, converse osmosis, and vaporization.
Some types of ETP plants
Reservoir ETP
The capacity used is 25-150KLD, the technology used comprises of physical or biochemical and also UI cleansing. The operating mode is semi-automatic and plug & play, the space required is considerably less, the design is compact and aesthetical, the operation, the waste type treated is chemicals from industries and automobile manufacturing wastes, it is easy to disassemble and is portable.
Combined or continuous ETP
The operation of this ETP is semi-automatic, it has an online PH supervision a system, and the chemical addition is automatic, the filtration techniques used are advanced (UF, RO), the liquid leakage is zero, the waste handling is of advanced level, the design is very compact, the piping is rust-free UPVC quality, the tanks have a lining of FRP/Epoxy grade, the waste types treated by this plant are sugar, paint and textile
Kelvin is a trusted ETP manufacturer; we provide quality products as per your requirements that suit you perfectly.


  1. Exceptional content! Insightful, well-researched, and expertly presented. This is the kind of valuable information I've been searching for.

    We are also Water Treatment technologies Providers in Surat, Gujarat. Our innovative clean water solutions in Surat use advanced technologies to filter, purify, and recycle wastewater.


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