Organic Waste Composter Machine Manufacturers in India

The organic waste otherwise known as food waste can be utilized as compost. There is plenty of food wasted all over the world that ends up in the dustbin. OWC machine can help perform this task. Our organic waste composters use Siemens mechanization, PLC system and HMI, the inbuilt shredding machine minimizes the total waste and chops it tinier pieces, which is converted to premium quality compost in 24 hours.
The design of our organic waste composter machine is compact, they have a durable built, they are automated, the reservoir and blades are made of stainless steel, no technical skills are required to operate, our composters do not build up harmful gases, there are no issues related to odor, there is no risk of infestation, our machines are very economical when in operation, they will help you save a lot of money per annum.
Working of the Organic waste composter
Composting is a natural process that involves decomposing of organic waste via microorganisms that are able to survive high temperatures and acidic environments. The organic waste is introduced the reservoir is heated from the bottom, the vaporization occurs, the solids of the food devoid of moisture is further decomposed by the microorganisms.
The blades help blend the waste since there is a minimal amount of shredding used, the life span of the organic waste composter machine is extended, the final compost is utilized for plants. You have to keep in mind that only organic waste can be composted such as the eatables, inorganic substances should be avoided such as plastic and metal.
Some specimens of organic waste composter machines
Organic waste turned to compost
It is used for making Manure by grinding the food waste. The material used for this OWC machine is carbon steel alloy, the voltage used ranges from 220V to 480V / 60HZ, it has a good capability of taking 1 to 20 T per hour, it comes under a warranty of 1 year, and colors are available in crimson, green and gray.
Quick organic composter
This machine is silent in operation, it does not produce odor, the compost output is rich in nitrogen, it requires very little maintenance and it can handle organic waste from 50KG to 2000KG a day as it comes in many variants.
Kelvin is a trusted organic waste convertermachine manufacturer; we provide quality products as per your requirements that suit you perfectly.


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