Organic waste composting machine in india


Today we are facing many health issues due to organic waste which are in the form of-kitchen waste, Hotel waste, canteen waste, garden waste, paper waste, human waste, biodegradable plastics etc.
when this organic waste buried in a landfill, it undergoes the process of anaerobic decomposition and produces methane gas which is not good for the Environment. When we talk greener tomorrow a question arises in mind, how quickly we reduce organic waste and how it is possible?

Thanks to Kelvin’s a leading Organic Waste Composter(OWC) machine manufacturing company has taken a step to encourages you towards living a green life. These compost machines have a lot of features with advanced technology which can decompose a large amount of organic waste in a day.    This is fully automatic compost machine which runs automatically with few clicks and settings.

Fully automatic machine: - This is PLC (programmable logic controller) based machine with sound free operating can compost all types of organic waste, especially when it comes to food items, like eggshells, fish and chicken bones. It works twenty-four hours with separate input/output window.

Semi-automatic- It works twenty-four hours manually, have a special technique to decompose all sort of organic waste within time. this powerful machine converted bio-degradable waste into bio-energy

OWC Machine eliminates your ORGANIC WASTE and generates a rich nutrient COMPOST which is beneficial for farming and gardening. Mainly OWC machine is installed in Hotels, Canteen, Restaurant Temple, Hospitals, etc.

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