Sewage treatment plant(STP)

Water pollution and its scarcity one of the serious issue we are facing today. we  all know that one-third of the surface area is covered with water so what’s the problem with “wasting” it?  The problem is if we wastewater then there will be no water for our future generation.

We heard about lots of manufacturing plant  like steel plant, electrical plant, cosmetic plant, coal plant etc. but never focused wastewater and water-treatment plant. we all know the importance water in life,but  we are wasting it.

Kelvin a leading consultant of wastewater and water treatment plant manufacturing company will suggest you best technologies for treatment of wastewater.


STP plants are installed for polluting residue of disposals  wastewater from houses, offices,  industries, factories as well as from others. these plants are installed in various industries like  food industries, hospital & institution, steel plant,  battery manufacturing company, Electric power plant  etc. our company provide complete solution with fabrication, design,  testing & commissioning of the plant.

support center

Phone : +91 9812241001, 9812646262 

Kelvin a consultant of wastewater,  


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