650 kg - Organic Waste Invessel Composter (OWC Machine) - Natural Drum C...

Kelvin Water Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is the manufacturer and supplier of the organic waste composter machine, it converts organic waste into compost in 24 hours, and this composting machine is incredibly easy to use, our newly designed Organic Waste Composter (OWC) Machine or Natural Drum Composter is 650kg according to waste size and user requirement. For more info visit: www.kelvinindia.in Email - info@kelvinindia.in ☎91-9812241001 Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/kelvinwatertech Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kelvinwatech Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/kelvinwatertech #owcmachine #organicwastecomposter #owc #wastemanagement #composting #zerowaste #compost #naturalcomposter #foodwastecomposter #owcmachineprice #owcwastemanagement #OWC #compost #MedicalWasteIncinerators #Compostermachines #composting #BalingPressMachine #Shredders #foodforplants #nature #waste #kitchenwaste #wastemanagement #swacchabharat #timesaving #costsaving #zerowaste #organicwasteconverter #kelvinindia


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